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[EN] The European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City is a convergence process between movements from different cities in several european countries fighting for the respect of these fundamental rights. After having campaigned independently for years, those movements (groups and, social movements composed by tenants, slum/ self-built neighborhoods dwellers, squat residents, victims of inadequate housing, victims of eviction or affected by indebtedness, professionals and researchers) felt the need to gather in order to strengthen this fight to take common action and  common positions on European Housing issues.

[FR] La Coalition européenne d’action pour le droit au logement et à la ville est un processus de convergence entre des mouvements de différentes villes de plusieurs pays européens qui luttent pour le respect de ces droits fondamentaux. Après avoir milité indépendamment pendant des années, ces mouvements (groupes et, mouvements sociaux composés de locataires, d’habitants de bidonvilles/quartiers auto-construits, d’habitants de squats, de victimes de mal-logement, de victimes d’expulsion ou d’endettement, de professionnels et de chercheurs) ont ressenti le besoin de se rassembler afin de renforcer cette lutte pour prendre des actions et des positions communes sur les questions de logement en Europe.

Cypriot Movement Against Evictions

The Cypriot movement against evictions materialized in 2013 when certain people understood ...

Droit Au Logement – DAL

Droit Au Logement (DAL – Right to Housing) was created at the end of 1990 by poorly- ...

En Commun – Zwangsräumungen Verhindern Wien [Stop Evictions Vienna]

Zwangsräumungen Verhindern Wien (Stop Eviction Vienna) is a group emerging from the autono ...

Frontul Comun pentru Dreptul la Locuire [The Common Front for the Right to Housing]

The Common Front for Housing Rights – FCDL – is an initiative started by people whose basi ...


Habita is an association whose mission is the recognition, defense and affirmation of the ...

Habitação Hoje

“Habitação Hoje” translates into Housing, Today!, as we think of it in two way ...

Habitat et Participation ASBL

Habitat & Participation is a non-profit association promoting the participation proces ...

HALEM, Habitants de Logements Éphémères ou Mobiles

HALEM, Habitants de Logements Éphémères ou Mobiles (inhabitants of temporary and mobile ho ...


Our collective HARTA aims at undoing the residential inequality and exploitation as it pla ...

Housing Action Now

Housing Action Now is a group of housing activists in Dublin Ireland who are committed to ...

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