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[update] DAL: Alert, antisquat amendment thr...

19 September 2020
Original post below / Post original en-dessous Droit au LogementFédération Droit Au Logement – 29 Avenue Ledr ...
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Another illegal eviction with police complic...

7 September 2020
Lisbon, September 4th: another illegal and forced eviction by an unscrupulous and greedy landlord who gave an eight ...
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Tenant action against evictions by Orange Ca...

4 September 2020
This article was taken over from See original post here On Wednesday the 2nd of Septe ...
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Organizing for housing justice in times of ...

24 August 2020
The period of March to June of 2020 has seen the rise of the health, social and financial crisis triggered by the C ...
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Manifesto for Housing Justice: Fighting the ...

2 August 2020
#stayhome #notstayingaside The time has come for this political agenda to change radically: housing politics m ...
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An info point on European law during the Cov...

31 July 2020
Press Release from the LEGAL GROUP // Communication du GROUPE JURIDIQUE // Comunicación del GRUPO JURÍDICO [EN] (Se ...
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2nd of July: Action Day for the Right to Hou...

31 July 2020
Call for the 2nd of July The pandemic and quarantine measures were suspended for a short time the aggression of the ...
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15 Demands in the Face of the COVID-19 Pande...

28 March 2020
In the context of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, safety in one’s own home or shelter is essential! All studie ...
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Cyprus now

10 March 2020
The fight against namk's power in Cyprus' housing movemente.
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Habita! The housing struggles in Lisbon

7 March 2020
The struggle for housing in the Portuguese capital.
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Airbnb and Co. drive us out of our neighborh...

28 February 2020
The struggle against short term rental in France.
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Repression and criminalization of the housin...

20 February 2020
From European Action Coalition Bullettin n. 4 01/2020 On a morning of a cold autumn day in 2017 a group of neighbor ...
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