2nd of July: Action Day for the Right to Housing in front of the Greek parliament

Call for the 2nd of July
The pandemic and quarantine measures were suspended for a short time the aggression of the government, the banks but also the big ones homeowners, for the permanent violation of the right to housing thousands of households. The return to “normality” brings with it the return to an even more grim reality when it comes to housing insecurity of the weaker strata.
The expected recession and the economic crisis will once again loaded on our backs, creating a new wave of over-indebtedness.
At the same time, the government’s submission to the requirements of supervision by the EU to protect the uncontrolled action of banks and their large funds, speculation on the roof, its complete adjustment government policy in the requirements of the tourist lobby, they predict an ominous next day.
In mid-July, in these unbearable conditions for society, the government has announced it will pass a new bankruptcy law, which will put an end to the last minimum protection framework of the first house, while at the same time preparing, in essence, a 4th recapitalization of banks, creating a state body who will buy “red loans” and especially a first home. Already, they have 2800 electronic auctions will be announced for the next period and
Exile tsunami is expected. In a country with no social roof policies, the effects are expected to be dramatic. The leaks of the government to regulate the stay of those who will lose their homes as tenants in them, it angers us.

At the same time, the starvation directly threatens 12,000 refugees with the right asylum, which the government announces their “eviction” from housing programs, literally throwing them on the road. The return to “Regularity” also puts an end to the support of the main tenant home of workers affected by the lockdown.
The grim landscape is being supplemented by the debts of thousands of households to PPC and other companies providing basic social services.
Debts multiplied during the pandemic. Her rhetoric government for favorable debt settlement is another mockery as from the regulated debts of any kind, it excludes those that pre-existed of the pandemic principle. And if all that sounds like a lot threateningly, we know that with our mobilization and joint action we can stop them.
As collectives of residents and groups we are fighting : We demand the right to housing and the city:
-Protection of the first home from against electronic auctions and the evictions that will follow, with measures such as the erase of big part of the debt
-Erase of all debts of working households, unemployed and long-term unemployed, in banks, tax offices, funds, municipalities, that created the first but creates and will create today economic crisis.
Abolition of electronic auctions.
-Protection of tenants from rent increases and evictions. Institutionalization of the actual social rent for working households and students as well as the cessation of obscenity against them
-Not in the evictions of recognized refugees. Housing them in the towns and villages in residences, with expansion of housing programs to all (asylum seekers and recognized refugees).
-Politicies for social housing with human conditions (operation housing credits according to popular needs, reopening of the Organization of Social housing Ο.Ε.Κ, κά)
-Fill the empty houses! There are more than 200000 empty houses in Greece today . It is unthinkable to have people who are homeless or living in unacceptable housing conditions.
-Water, Energy, are social goods for everyone – Stop the power, water and gas interruptions – Reductions in their tariffs
Public benefit services for households – For the unemployed and poor free electricity and water supply.
-Immediate cessation of any persecution of the movement’s fighters against them auctions of public housing and property.
For another society where our cities will be cities of solidarity and ecological, where the roof will be right for everyone, no merchandise for profit production!
This “normality” is not ours!
Let’s fight it upside down!