Between the 24th of March and 2nd of April people in over 60 European cities and towns joined our call to the Housing Action Days, and over 120 decentralized actions took place all over the continent. This has been the 4th consecutive year the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City called for an action-week and we are very excited about the fact that participation has doubled in these four years. After a short hold during the pandemic, our movements are on the rise again and so is our transnational solidarity!
Many cities have seen unprecedented mobilization. 30.000 people took the streets and Lisbon followed by 7000 in Porto and Bayonne/Baiona in the French Basque Country. Smaller protests took place in numerous cities and towns across Europe. In many cases people chose to make unannounced actions such as squatting a building in Vienna or occupying government buildings like in Dublin. In other places people came together to listen to each other and organize together. The huge variety of actions and events during the Housing Action Days beautifully represents our larger movement, but we can also observe a growing number of actions involving people from other movements, and emphasis on the intersectional character of our struggles.
Once again, the Housing Action Days showed us that our answers to the burgeoning housing and energy crisis, the destruction of our public spaces and environment are as multifaceted as the actors and social relations that drive them in our local context. But it also showed that we can coordinate and unite these struggles! After all, our local contexts may differ and capitalism may take different forms, but it still remains the structural cause of these processes.
Much love and solidarity to all who joined our mobilization. The Housing Action Days is our collective achievement! Let’s get inspired from it and keep on building a transnational movement that is this diverse in its forms of actions, this intersectional, this decentralized and this militant. A movement that can make a small protest in Nicosia as visible as a 30.000 people rally in Lisbon. Let’s unite our struggles beyond borders!
An insight to the demonstrations:
24/03 HAD Day 1!
- ‘J’habite, tu habites, ils spéculent’: a gesticulating conference on housing, the housing market and private property.The question of housing was central during the Paris Commune… and still is 150 years later. Comité belge des Amies et Amis de la Commune de Paris 1871 and RBDH – BBRoW / Rassemblement Bruxellois pour le Droit à l’Habitat therefore organized an evening on this theme to discuss it. It began with a gesticulated conference by Sarah de Laet which was followed by a debate on the importance that the question of housing took during the Paris Commune, and all the actuality of this question.It was a great opportunity to reflect on the causes of real estate speculation, but especially on the solutions that would guarantee accessible and quality housing for all and to question the fact that the right to private property is superior to the right to housing. https://fb.me/e/3tIbXOAo4
- ‘Dream House®’- a spectaculated conference on ending homelessness. As part of the Housing Action Days and in advance of the March 26 mobilization, Collective 1984’s organized a lecture with the title: ‘The cost of a secure roof, a home, is increasing every year’. Rent is becoming a monster that often eats up half of your income. The lecture analyzed the outrageous reality of rented life. Human beings without shelter, without a roof, without a home.How is this possible? Who benefits from this injustice? Is there an invisible law? https://fb.me/e/NqbiUEfh
- Living-room on the street at St. Joseph’s church: Face painting for children, wheel of Fortune, housing info in different languages & nice conversations! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5Mg7cNzZ1/
- Open living-room on Willy-Brandt Square: tea, snacks and cozy seating for a relaxed exchange & spinning of ideas https://augsburgfueralle.noblogs.org/
- Drinks and banner painting at the Ganze Bäckerei. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-Axerofb4/