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About Us

Združena akcija ‘Krov nad glavom’ (eng. Common Action for “The Roof Over Our Heads; shorthand: The Roof) coalition is an umbrella organization that brings together groups and individuals united in the struggle for the right to housing. We stand for the basic principle that the right to a home is a fundamental human right: everyone deserves a roof over their heads.

Since Serbian legislation began allowing private individuals to enforce court decisions the number of forced evictions has increased, fueled by the fact that the only interests of private bailiffs are their own profits and the benefit of the clients they represent. We advocate for immediate law reform – right to a home for everyone and the abolition of private bailiffs.

No one should be tossed out of the only home they have. Through self-organizing and solidarity actions, we aim to support and assist the most vulnerable members of our communities; we provide immediate assistance in food, clothing and rent money to the people whenever we can and seek unused buildings and flats that can be squatted.

In addition to the aforementioned, we provide legal assistance and organize various direct actions aimed at drawing public attention to this issue and exerting pressure on the private bailiffs, local governments, courts, banks and others responsible for throwing people out of their homes and onto the streets. Through struggles and consistent research about housing issues we also aim to devise a bottom-up housing strategy for the many in Serbia and possibly the rest of the world.

Every person has the right to a dignified existence. This means that none should be hungry or homeless, none should drink polluted water and breathe polluted air and none should be denied access to education and health care! Only through collective struggle can we make sure that no one is denied these rights.

“The Roof Over Our Heads” coalition is composed of members of various organizations:
Who Builds the City/KGG, Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own, The Social Democratic Union, Equality, Say NO to Bailiffs, 7 Demands, Marks21, Belgrade Youth Action, Marxist Organization ‘The Reds’ and the Guardians/Keepers of Fire.

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