After the social explosion in Chile 2019 and the process of writing a new constitution which wasn’t approved eventually in September 2022 Chile disappeared from the focus of public attention, also for us, people active in social movements in Europe who were eminently inspired by the movement in Chile.
Now the popular movements in Chile, neighborhood collectives and people fighting for social justice are back in the streets, fighting a new anti-squat legislation that is threatening hundreds of thousands of people with prison (you can find more info in the EAC solidarity statement here).
In this debate, coorganized by the European Action Coalition for the right to housing and to the city with the Chilean collectives Los Arenales MacroCamp, Group of Fighters of Lo Hermida and 17 de Mayo Camp, the Chilean militants will inform us about the actual political and social conditions, this new damned law and their resistance.
The aim of this online meeting is to give some key elements of understanding of the current housing crises in Chile and the movements fighting for housing rights but also explore the practical possibilities how we can strengthen our struggles beyond borders against the increasing criminalization of poverty and social movements as well as the authoritarian formation of state politics.