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WEBINAR //STOP KASBARIAN LAW! Stop the criminalization of squatters, tenants and workers in France and everywhere!

Posted by European Action Coalition on 1 June 2023

The European Action Coalition for the right to housing and to the city presents:

WEBINAR // Wednesday // 7th of June // 18:30 CET // 👉 YOU CAN WATCH THE WEBINAR HERE

STOP KASBARIAN LAW! Stop the criminalization of squatters, tenants and workers in France and everywhere!

The so-called ‘Kasbarian law’ a.k.a. ‘anti-squat law’ which will be finally voted on the 14th of June in the French National assembly and the Senate marks and unprecedented attack on housing and political rights and in its consequences on squatters, tenants, people without homes and workers in strike. In a nutshell: Squatting – possibly with a very broad definition – will be punished with two years of imprisonment and a fine of 30.000 Euros.

As never before social rights are at stake in the middle of Europe and we know, if this law will be implemented in France other countries might follow this bad example which concerns all of us. That’s why we call for actions in front of French embassies and consulates [link call website] from the 7th to the 14th of June!

And to underpin our europeanwide camapaign to stop the Kasbarian law on the 7th of JUNE at 18:30 CET we will hold a webinar with activists, unionists and lawyers from France who will discuss this „Anti-squatt law” and its dangerous consequences on squatters, homeless people, poor tenants and workers on strike.


  • Matteo Bonaglia (lawyer)
  • Elie Lambert (Union Solidaires)
  • L. (squatting movement)
  • Stela Muci (Droit au Logement)



  • Yann Döhner (European Action Coalition)

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