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Anti-Eviction Guides

Manual de resistência contra despejos – Habitação Hoje!

Despejos, o que fazer? Ninguém está livre de ficar desempregado ou de não conseguir pagar as rendas exorbitantes que são praticadas hoje em dia! O teu problema não é individual, há milhares de pessoas sem acesso a uma habitação digna. Clica nas caixas em baixo para saber mais!

Resistance manual against evictions- Habitação Hoje!

Evictions, what to do? No one is exempt from being unemployed or unable to pay the exorbitant rents that are practiced today! Your problem is not individual, there are thousands of people without access to decent housing.

Descobre aquio panfleto! - Find the leaflet here!

Poradnik lokatorski – Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszanie Lokatorów

dla osób korzystających z nieodpłatnych punktów pomocy prawnej i poradnictwa obywatelskiego

Tenant’s Guide- Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszanie Lokatorów

for people using free legal aid and civic counseling centers

Przewodnik można znaleźć tutaj - Find the guidebook here

Ghid pentru prevenirea evacuărilor forțate – Blocul Pentru Locuire

Acest ghid reprezintă o chemare adresată Birourilor Județene pentru Romi, experților pe problemele romilor de la diverse nivele ale administrației publice, organizațiilor neguvernamentale, Grupurilor de Acțiune Locală, grupurilor informale locale, grupurilor activiste, pentru a se implica în prevenirea evacuărilor forțate din locuințe și în obligarea autorităților publice de a atribui locuințe alternative adecvate persoanelor evacuate.

Guide to preventing forced evictions – Blocul pentru locuire

This guide is a call to Roma County Offices, experts on Roma issues at various levels of public administration, non-governmental organisations, Local Action Groups, local informal groups, activist groups, to get involved in preventing forced evictions from housing and in compelling public authorities to allocate suitable alternative housing to evictees.

Găsiți ghidul aici! - Find the guideline here!

Faire face aux expulsions légales d’un logement? – Front Anti-Expulsions

La brochure a été rédigée par un groupe de personnes non-spécialistes du droit. Elle résume les différentes étapes d’une procédure d’expulsion en justice de paix et le rôle de chaque partie : locataire, propriétaire, juge de paix, huissier de justice, CPAS. Cet écrit tente un aller-retour entre théorie et pratique à partir de témoignages de personnes concernées par les expulsions et de dossiers concrets.Cette brochure se veut être un outil d’entraide face aux démarches juridiques, histoire de les rendre plus compréhensibles, d’être moins seule face à la justice. Elle ne remplace pas une défense avec un bon avocat, elle la complète et elle tente de mettre en avant les pièges à éviter, les marges de manœuvre juridiques et administratives possibles pour résister au mieux aux procédures d’expulsion

Dealing with legal eviction from your home?- Front Anti-Expulsions

This brochure was written by a group of non-lawyers. It summarizes the various stages of an eviction procedure before the justice of the peace and the role of each party: tenant, landlord, justice of the peace, bailiff, CPAS. The brochure is intended as a tool for mutual assistance in legal proceedings, to make them easier to understand, and to help you feel less alone in court. It is not intended to replace a defence with a good lawyer, but to complement it, and to highlight the pitfalls to be avoided, and the legal and administrative room for manoeuvre available to best resist eviction proceedings.

Trouvez la brochure ici! - Find the brochure here!

LA PAH: A Handbook – Lessons for collective action from the fight for the right to housing

This manual describes the essence of PAH and pays tribute to the platform’s history and efforts to obtain decent housing for all, targeting an international audi­ence that views its achievements as a ray of hope. Throughout this manual, we will look at ways to organize a vibrant, horizontal housing movement able to transform the lives of its members. Taking a step-by-step approach fed by testimonials from PAH activists around Spain, we will set out the methods we use to organize our movement. Our aim is not just to prevent evictions, but also to encourage collective reflection on the role of housing as a public good.

Find the handbook here!


Deze brochure is voor huurders die zich willen organiseren om hun recht op goede huisvesting op te eisen. Woon je tijdelijk, onzeker of te duur? Dan is deze brochure voor jou. Je vindt hierin een stappenplan hoe je je kan organiseren in een solidariteitsnetwerk.


This brochure is for tenants who want to organize to claim their right to good housing. Are you living temporarily, precariously or too expensive? Then this brochure is for you. You will find in it a step-by-step plan on how to organize in a solidarity network.

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