Stop the criminalization of squatters, tenants and workers in France and everywhere!
⏰ FROM 7th to 14th of JUNE ⏰ the European Action Coalition for the right to housing and to the city (EAC) calls for a week of actions across Europe against the law “anti-squat” or Kasbarian law in France.
Gather and protest in front of 👉 French embassies all over Europe!; hang a banner, take pictures and share in the social media #STOPKASBARIANLAW .
ℹ️ On the 7th of JUNE at 18:30 CET EAC ℹ️ will hold a webinar with French activists, unionists and lawyers who will discuss the ‘Anti-squatt law” and its dangerous consequences on squatters, homeless people, poor tenants and workers on strike.

#STOPKASBARIANLAW- criminalization of poverty – attack on political rights
While cost of living, housing and energy prices are reaching unprecedented levels, profits and benefits for big landlords have never been so important in France and worldwide. Instead of making pay those who use the crises to maximize their profits, French government has decided to target its most vulnerable citizens and political activists.
The 14th of June, the french National Assembly and Senate will vote on a new law proposed by Macron’s government backed by right-wing and extreme right deputies. The so-called “Law anti-squat” or “Kasbarian Law” named after the deputy who proposed it, is a frontal attack against housing and political rights.
Whether you are a precarious tenant, a squatter occupying an empty building, a homeless person or a worker on a picket line, this law could either send you in jail or put you on the street.
In brief:
- Eviction procedures against squatters, homeless people or poor tenants occupying empty spaces will be drastically accelerated while big landlords continue to keep their buildings empty for profit-making and speculation and law on reacquisition is almost never applied.
- Squatting of empty buildings (used either for housing, commercial or agricultural activity) will be punished with two years of imprisonment and a fine of 30.000 Euros.
- Tenants who don’t leave their homes right after the eviction deadline pronounced by the court, will be penalized with a fine of 7,500 Euros. They will thus be forced to choose between homelessness, penal fees or imprisonment.
- Last but not least, occupying working spaces during workers strikes will be criminalized too. Employees who occupy their working place during a strike risk up to 2 years of imprisonment and 30.000 Euros fine. This is a very serious attack on the right to strike and a violation of political rights.
#STOPKASBARIANLAW- united we stand – call for action
The EAC denounces this law and its noxious effects on homeless people, squatters, precarious tenants and workers on strike in France. We make ours the demand of French people and grassroots movements to abandon this law on the 14th of June!
As European network we know that the same tendencies- criminalization of poor people, violation of housing and political rights, state repression of social movements, immigrants, gender and ethnic minorities- are spreading and rising rapidly all over Europe.
Since many years our movement has showed that organizing and fighting collectively in a transnational scale is not only possible but essential as we all face the same neoliberal policies and systemic attacks on social and political rights, in each of our countries. Our coordinated actions all over Europe for the Housing Action Days at the end of March testify our potential to organize together and act in solidarity wherever we are.
From the 7th to the 14th of June we will protest all over Europe against the Kasbarian law and to prevent that it becomes a European model!
The European Action Coalition for the right to housing and to the city is calling all grassroots movements, collectives, squats, activists of the right to housing, unions, and other emancipatory movements to protest against Kasbarian Law in front of French Embassies everywhere, do banner drops and send solidarity messages from 7th to 14th of June.